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荒廢的傳統老宅與美軍宿舍 透過設計再興而成一個結合藝術旅店 咖啡廚房 活動空間的跨界平台


821space is an art theme inn, a café, and an exhibition space all in one.A run-down US Army dormitory was given a new life through the vision of art lovers. With the help of modern design, the elegance of a time in the past was revived and reincarnated as a space for art, cuisine, and social events. Seven guests rooms, one design workshop, plus a café with a half kitchen make up the perfect 8 ½.

台灣 台南市 南區 大同路二段482巷11號                                   

No.11, Ln. 482, Sec. 2, Datong Rd.                                       

South Dist., Tainan City 70255,Taiwan (R.O.C.)                       


設計服務時間     週一至週五 9:00-6:00​


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